Scouts worked on advancements, collected branches for pioneering projects, practiced building structures with lashings, and learned: DO NOT MESS WITH THINGS THAT STING!!! While getting branches, they disturbed a nest and got swarmed. Many Scouts were treated with cream and Benadryl pills (after parental consent). Scouts were reminded that running, flailing and swatting just aggravate the situation. If your Scout is missing a shirt or shoes, check the back end of the Church parking lot and the ravine (at your own risk).
The Troop still needs branches and logs 3-4” thick and really long. Up to and well over 6 feet for some pioneering projects. Please bring them to the shed if you have any at home.
Scout Accounts
Money from parking and tent setups will be in your Scout accounts by our next meeting. Scouts can check with Mr. Lorenz to see how much money they've made this summer. The rate was around $17.50 per hour. This money can be used for events, camps, dues, camping supplies and Philmont. See Mr. Lorenz for details.
Spencer Hirsh was promoted to Tenderfoot
Shane Smith was promoted to Life
Kevin Svetlev was promoted to Life
Sept 4, No meeting!
No meeting on Labor Day! Enjoy your long weekend!
Sept 5, 5:30pm PLC meeting, 7pm Committee meeting
The PLC will meet and plan upcoming meetings. Please come if you have a leadership position. The committee will also meet that evening at 7:00.
Sept 8-10 Merit Badge Madness
Attend this weekend event and get 1 or 2 merit badges completed! See attached link for details.
September 10, 1-4+ pm at St. Joseph High School stadium 9/11 Hero Climb
From Mr. Peek: I spoke to Boss heating and air conditioning about the stair climb. They are the sponsors of the event. Julie Laurent advised that Boss will be setting up tents on Sunday the 10th. From 1-4.
I told her about the scouts doing the stair climb on the 10th. (Since we can’t make it on the 11th because the scouts will be in school). She said that if the scouts assisted in putting the tents up they would count that as the entry fee.
We could then do the stair climb after that. The participants would then get the goody bag and medals for completing the climb.
Orrin had a good idea of having the fire department be there too to give a short talk about 9/11.
That’s a win win for everyone.
(Wear your class B, exercise clothes, have a water bottle, sunscreen and bug spray.) The flyer for the main event on Monday is attached for interested adults.
Sept 18, Regular meeting
Help build projects for climbing and catapult for…
Sept 21, 6:30-7:45pm: Cub Scout Join Night!
Wear your class A uniform and tell them all the fun you're having in Scouts!
Sept 22 Order of the Arrow Ordeal weekend
There are several Ordeal Weekends to choose from. This one will have Mr. Hill attending. Please check your email for links to sign up. Contact Mr. Hill or Mr. Walsh if you need your Scout number for sign up.
For Philmont 2024 attendees:
Next payment of $542.50 per attendee is due. Please get checks made to Troop 623 handed to Mr. Lorenz or Mr. Bacon at next week's troop meeting
Upcoming: Gear talk, Philmont training days Philmont Training Weekend, Itinerary selections, Travel options ... Dates/times/locations will be shared at Monday meetings and summary by email.
Homework: Every scout should at least read the Shakedown Guide Part 1 and Part 2 from this web site:
Several of the videos are very good too.
Sept 21st Become a Den Chief for Cub Scouts
Sept 21, be a den chief 2 nights a month to earn service hours and grow new Scouts. Must be 1st class or above if you aren’t an adult. Contact Ben Rimes for more details. Days of the week TBD.
November 17-19, Thanksgiving Feast Weekend
Please mark your calendars and plan to come out for this yummy meal and fun camping time. Scouts working on their communication badge can fulfill some of the requirements planning for and presenting at the Court of Honor at this event. Please let the SPL know that you want to be involved.
Klondike Derby Feb 9-11, 2024
More info coming soon. Make sure your cold weather gear still fits.
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.