~ 4/27-4/29 Weko Beach campout- forms should be turned in
~ 4/30 Camp Tamarack - forms are due. (See attached) Contact Mr. Sparkman with questions.
~ 5/5 Blossomtime parade - report at the vet monument on the bluff between 10am-11am
Need service hours? Here is a great opportunity to earn some service hours.
Sunday, May 20
First Congregational Church
2001 Niles Avenue
St. Joseph, MI
12:15 PM - Set up Tables and chairs, fill water thermos,etc.
4:00 PM - Clean up and tear down
Contact Mrs. Giandiletti with questions.
I have a favor to ask of the parents of the scouts that have recently crossed over and joined our troop. Would you please double check with other parents you know and verify they are receiving my emails? All boys joining our troop need to fill out a boy scout application to transfer them from cub scouts to boy scouts and that is where I get the email information for our mailing list. Thank you!