-Advancement work
-Merit badge work
Next Week:
New patrols, activities, advancement work and more!
Troop 623 still has popcorn inventory for sale. If you would like to help sell more popcorn, please contact Mrs. Essig at [email protected] for more information.
BSA requires that all participants, both youth and adult, must have BSA health forms, updated annually, on file with the troop in order to participate in ANY troop activity. Mrs. Merle will be contacting you regarding the status of your health forms. Please see her email regarding due dates for your health forms.
Mark Calendars:
3/24/16- Meeting for Mackinac applications (must be approved by Scout Master) Please see the website for more details- bsatroop623.com
4/16- 4/17/16 - Rifle and American Heritage Merit Badge event. Be sure to sign up ASAP!
Location: Watervliet Rod and Gun Club
For more info contact Mr. Sparkman at [email protected]
4/22-4/24/16- Weko Beach campout- A SUPER FUN WEEKEND!
Advancement activities for new Scouts as well as other activities. Bring handbooks! for more info and details contact Mr. Merle at [email protected]
4/29-4/30/16 - Greenfield Village - Inventing and Entrepreneur merit badge event. Please see the website at bsatroop623.com or email [email protected] for more information.
White water rafting - Pennsylvania
Summer Camp