~ Boy Scouts was explained to cub scouts - Welcome!
~ Klondike info - Hoping for snow. Went over materials that will be needed.
~ OA elections upcoming - watched a video about OA
~ discussed MBU
~ worked on advancements
~ finished some snow shoes. Keep bringing them until done.
Next week:
~ 1/29/18 - need to commit to Mr. Hill by Monday if you are going on the Klondike. Permission slips will follow at a later time
2/16-2/18 - Klondike Derby - Camp Betz
2/18 - Eagle Court of Honor for Jacob Maynard, Jacob Conklin and Andrew Esser 4:00 PM at the Elks Lodge
Are you a Life scout in need of an Eagle project? Do you like to read or go for walks along a walking path? The Village of Shoreham enjoys doing these activities and they are looking for scouts who are looking for an Eagle project to help with 2 projects. First, they want to build a Free Little Library which will be places outside the Village Hall. The second project is placing markers and wooden signage around the walking path in their community park. If you are interested in one of these projects, please contact Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Shepard for contact information.