~ Court of Honor - 77 merit badges and 11 ranks earned
~ Mr. Sparkman aka: Drone Master - developing a drone program for the older scouts
~ Mandatory Philmont meeting following tonight's scout meeting
~ Summer Camp 2017 - 2 choices: Pioneer OH (end of July) - final payment due 4/21 and Camp Tamarack (6/25-7/1) $259/scout & $159/adult. Could use some adults at both camps.
~ Friends of Scouting presentation - please consider making a pledge. Many ways to pledge including online at imagine.michiganscouting.org.
~ Mr. Salerno awarded the Wood Badge which is the highest training award for adult leaders.
~ Street signs were presented to 3 of our Eagle scouts by the City of St Joe today
Coming up:
~ April 9th - Justin Shepard's Eagle Ceremony. More information to follow.
**Parents of scouts going to Philmont that were not at the meeting tonight, please ask your scout what was talked about. There are some important deadlines coming up that they are supposed to let you know about.
Next meeting - Monday April 10th at 7:00.
Enjoy your Spring Break!