~ scouts started planning the Thanksgiving feast
~ had an outside activity
~ scouts talked about possibly having an end of summer cookout at one of the future meetings and also holding a meeting at Lincoln Elementary so they can play some Gaga ball
~ talked about upcoming elections in Nov (6 mo)
~ Mr. Hill talked about how scouts should be wearing their Class A uniforms to the Monday meetings.
~ 9/3/19 - Committee meeting at 7:00. All parents are invited to attend
~ 9/7/19 - Eagle Court of Honor for Gamal and Mikhail at 5:00. Invitation is attached
~ 9/14/19 - Merit Badge Day at Rota-Kiwan - if you want more information, you can find it here: https://scoutingevent.com/272-SMBD This event does not have to be attended as a troop so parents will have to sign up and take their scouts if interested.
~ 9/16/19 - completed blue cards must be turned in by this day in order to be included in the next Court of Honor
~ 9/30/19 - Scout Court of Honor
~ 10/25-10/27 - Camp-out with Horses
~ 11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Feast - Tower Hill