Scouts worked on advancements, played a game, and talked about the upcoming Game Night.
Tuesday, March 7th
5:30 PLC Meeting, 7pm Committee Meeting
Gaming Night! March 10-11
Scouts will play games, work on game related badges, and have a cook off against the adults. If they sleep, it will be inside. Cost will be $5 per Scout. Permission slip and more info coming soon.
Blossomtime Parade, Sat. May 13th
Please reply to this if your Scout is interested in marching.
Triathlon Parking Fundraiser Weekend of June 25th
Save the date. This is one of our best fundraisers.
Mackinac Trip: We need more Scouts!
Our time at Mackinac is July 15-22, 2023. It is $200 per Scout. Contact Orrin Lorenz if interested. The troop has some extra shorts, shirts, and red jackets so check with us before buying more. If you have some you have outgrown, please bring them to help others. Scouts need to be at least 1st class.
Summer Camp at Camp Rotary: Week of July 23-29, 2023!
Please see attached link and file for more camp info.
A deposit of at least $100 per Scout is needed to reserve their badge class slots which can fill quickly.
Camp Rotary summer camp fees -
Scouts $380 if paid before May 1
Adults $175
For adults attending summer camp, please fill out the Michigan Central Registry Clearance form and submit it. See link below.
Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
Help coming soon!
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.