Merit Badges

An image of the chess merit badge
There are currently 130 merit badges, only 21 are needed to achieve Eagle Scout. Boys can work on them until they turn 18 yrs old. They first need to enroll in the Merit Badge they want to work on to get their Blue Card and Merit Badge Counselor. It would be very helpful to print off a Merit Badge Worksheet. (Disclaimer: This is not an official Boy Scout Website but very accurate and updated regularly. So make sure you check with the Merit Badge Pamphlet.)
You can earn Eagle Palms for additional Merit Badges you earn after your Eagle Scout merit badges. Every time you earn 5 additional Merit Badges is another Palm. You may wear only the proper combination of Palms for the number of merit badges you earned beyond the rank of Eagle. The Bronze Palm represents five merit badges, the Gold Palm 10, and the Silver Palm 15.
Google Doc:
Eagle Required Badges
You can earn Eagle Palms for additional Merit Badges you earn after your Eagle Scout merit badges. Every time you earn 5 additional Merit Badges is another Palm. You may wear only the proper combination of Palms for the number of merit badges you earned beyond the rank of Eagle. The Bronze Palm represents five merit badges, the Gold Palm 10, and the Silver Palm 15.
Google Doc:
Eagle Required Badges
- First Aid
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the World
- Citizenship in Society
- Communication
- Personal Fitness
- Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
- Environmental Science OR Sustainability
- Personal Management
- Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
- Camping
- Family Life
- Cooking