~ scouts were thanked by the church for helping with the rummage setup
~ Dale Dean gave a recap about the Weekend with Horses Campout. Scouts had a good time though they had to leave early due to the rain.
~ Mr. Hill went over and explained each of the troop positions. Next week the scouts will be able to sign up for the position(s) they would like to run for in Nov.
~ John Norland went with Troop 614 to Climb Kalamazoo and said it was alot of fun. It was suggested that we should plan one for our troop.
~ 11/2/19 - Blue Star Mothers Christmas open house at the Stevensville American Legion Post 568, 3093 Johnson Rd, Stevensville. Scouts that are able to help with this should arrive at 10:45 in their Class A's. Scouts will earn service hours for helping.
~ 11/5 - troop committee meeting
~ 11/16 - leaf raking at the church
~ 11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Feast - Tower Hill - Arrow of Light scouts will be joining our scouts for the weekend.
~ 2/7/20-2/9/20 - Klondike campout - Camp Betz
~ 2/23/20 - Scout Sunday - we need many scouts to help on this day. It will be the 100th time for us to present our charter!
~ Doors will be locked around 7:15 so please be on time.
~ If you have one of the tents, please make sure to return it.
~ We are looking for requests for merit badges that the scouts would be interested in doing at the next MBU. If there is a merit badge a scout would like to do, please let Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Hill know so they can look into it for MBU.
~ will be assigning patrols and presentations for the Feast weekend.
~ Adult leaders, as part of the recharter that will be coming up, you must fill out a disclosure for a background check. Your membership will not be renewed without this. The link to find the disclosure is here: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/se-packet/2019-09-30/Additional-Disclosures-And-Background-Check-Authorization-NOT-CALIFORNIA.pdf You should have received an email about what you need to do. If you did not receive this email, let me know and I will forward it.
Have a great week! PLC meeting at 6:30 next Monday 11/11 with the regular scout meeting to follow. See you then!