- Merit Badge work
- Game
- Klondike permiasion slips due
Next Week:
Merit Badge work
Registration paperwork due for Lifesaving Merit Badge event
Scouts who are working on completing their Eagle requirements should use the attached checklist resource to ensure all steps are completed properly.
Troop 623 still has popcorn inventory for sale. If you would like to help sell more popcorn, please contact Mrs. Essig for more information.
Merit Badge University in Elmhurst, Illinois has opened Scout registration on online. Please be sure to visit their website to see what is still available.
Registration closes on 2/15
*Scouts who wish to use their Scout Account will need to pay for registration and submit receipt to Mr. Hill for reimbursement.
They are also in need of help from our parents. If your Scout is going, please consider volunteering in
helping with:
Security, registration, lunch prep, lunch serving, and lunch clean-up.
Contact Ann Essig at [email protected] if your interested in helping .
Mark Calendars:
1/31/16- 1-4pm
Klondike meeting by the shed
2/7/16- 2pm
Ales/Owen Eagle Court of Honor
(See attached invites for more details)
2/12-2/14- Klondike Derby
(visit bsatroop623.com for more information and forms)
2/13/16 - Kalamazoo Air Zoo- Boy Scout Aviation Merit Badge Day
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Boy Scouts will complete all the requirements for the Aviation Merit Badge during this fun and engaging day of exploring the history and science behind flight. Investigate the forces of flight and the control surfaces of an airplane while touring the Air Zoo's amazing collection of aircraft and specialized wind tunnel. Make, fly, and modify your own take-home glider. Registrants may bring in a bag lunch or order lunch from the Kitty Hawk Cafe, prepaid at registration, for $6 each.
Early Registration Deadline: January 29, 2016
Late Registration (add $3 per person): January 30 - February 12, 2016
Fee: $22/ Child |$11/adult
Limit: 150 participants
We will not do this as a troop, but scouts can individually register with the Air Zoo. See more information at http://www.airzoo.org/page.php?page_id=359
2/15/16 - NO MEETING
6pm Monday 2/15
Cub Scout Pack 623 -Blue & Gold Crossover event NEEDS YOU!
Order of the Arrow Scouts will be hosting the Arrow of Light ceremony
All other interested Scouts are asked to attend to volunteer with this great annual event supporting the 5th Grade Webelos who will be earning their highest Cub Scout award- The Arrow of Light,.
Please let Mr. Hill know if you are able to help with this event. Volunteers should arrive by 5:45pm
Scouts who help are invited to enjoy the pasta, salad dinner celebration as well. (and cake!)
2/20/16 - Merit Badge University 2016- Illinois
(contact Mrs. Essig at [email protected] with any questions)
2/21/16- Scout Sunday
1st Congregational church
More information to follow
2/28/16- Merle/Burkhard/Sparkman Eagle Court of Honor- 2pm
(See attached invite for more details)
3/16/16 -Lifesaving Merit Badge
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: Andrews University Pool (Beaty Gym building, parking lot #12- see map )
Cost: $20
Prerequisites- 2, 5, 6, 8, 15 (Best to complete these before 3/6- we will schedule time to work on these in meetings)
Other requirements: Because earning the Lifesaving merit badge requires swimming assists, the Scout is expected to have strong swimming skills before attempting the requirements. To ensure the Scout?s success in completing the in-pool requirements in the time available for instruction, Scouts must meet the following additional requirements before registering for this merit badge opportunity:
1. Be a strong swimmer
2. Have completed requirement 1a AND the swimming merit badge
3. Have reviewed all of the requirements of the merit badge and feel confident that you can do what is required
Register by February 1st: See Mrs. Maynard or Mrs. Burrow to register, submit permission form and make payment. Contact: [email protected]
Remember to request a blue card BY 1/31/16 by sending an email to [email protected].
Permission form and Lifesaving MB worksheet are available on the Troop's website at bsatroop623.com
White water rafting - Pennsylvania
Summer Camp