- Merit Badge work
- Game
- Review of activities for 2016
Next Week:
- Mandatory Philmont meeting - 1/11/16 at 6:30pm
$100 deposit due
- Merit Badge work/Pick new Merit Badges
A great big thank you to all the Scouts and families who participated in the Adopt-A-Family program through the Salvation Army. The Troop provided gifts and all the fixings for a Christmas dinner for two families! The Troop really rallied for this project and went above and beyond! We were able to meet one of the families when we delivered the gifts and meal before Christmas- they were very thankful and said it was a blessing to receive the gifts from the Troop. The smiles on the kids’ faces (and hug from mom) were well worth the effort! We appreciate everyone’s generosity and help in making this a successful service project!
Merit Badge University in Elmhurst, Illinois will be opening up for Scout registration on January 12th.
They are in need of help from our parents. If your Scout is going, please consider volunteering in helping with:
Security, registration, lunch prep, lunch serving, and lunch clean-up.
Contact Ann Essig at [email protected] if you're interested in helping .
More information to follow on the registration.
Mark Calendars:
1/9/16- Kalamazoo Climb lock-in- Those participating are to meet at the church 6:30am
2/21/16- Scout Sunday - 1st Congregational church - More information to follow
3/16/16 -Lifesaving Merit Badge
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: Andrews University Pool (Beaty Gym building, parking lot #12- see map )
Cost: $20
Prerequisites- 2, 5, 6, 8, 15 (Best to complete these before 3/6- we will schedule time to work on these in meetings)
Other requirements: Because earning the Lifesaving merit badge requires swimming assists, the Scout is expected to have strong swimming skills before attempting the requirements. To ensure the Scout’s success in completing the in-pool requirements in the time available for instruction, Scouts must meet the following additional requirements before registering for this merit badge opportunity:
1. Be a strong swimmer
2. Have completed requirement 1a AND the swimming merit badge
3. Have reviewed all of the requirements of the merit badge and feel confident that you can do what is required
Register by February 1st: See Mrs. Maynard or Mrs. Burrow to register, submit permission form and make payment.
Remember to request a blue card! Permission form and Lifesaving MB worksheet are available on the Troop's website at bsatroop623.com
6/19-6/25 - White water rafting - Pennsylvania
7/31-8/6/16 - Summer Camp - Pioneer, Ohio