~ Meat orders were turned in tonight. Orders will be ready next Monday and should be picked up at the Christmas party.
~ Mr. Arrans talked about filling out the requirements in the boy scout book. He explained about keeping a log of camp outs and work hours and to make sure to turn that information in to Mrs. Marquardt. It is the scout's responsibility.
~ We are holding our own Merit Badge University so boys won't have to go to Chicago. It will be held on January 13, 2018 from 8:00am-3:15pm. Lunch will be provided. For those new to the troop, this is an opportunity for the boys to earn up to 4 merit badges in one day. If your son was not at the meeting tonight, I have attached the form that was passed out. Please have him pick out six badges he would like to earn ranking them from 1 (most desired) to 6 and return the form to Mr. Shepard or Mr. Sparkman ASAP.
~ Two new Eagle Scouts tonight. Congratulations Andrew Esser and Jacob Conklin!
~ Worked on rank advancements
Next week:
~ Christmas party at SJHS field house from 7:00-8:30. Pizza will be provided. Boys with last names A-L are to bring snacks and M-Z are to bring drinks.
Next meeting will be January 8, 2018.