~ talked about the Order of the Arrow (OA) and what it is. Last weekend, Scouts, Will Bacon & Jonah Essig and Leader Brett Bacon participated in their Ordeal and are now members of the OA and Scouts, Justin Shepard & Caleb Hill and Leaders, Bill Shepard & Brett Arrans earned their Brotherhood with the OA.
~ voted on colors for the cook box
~ Firem'n Chit and Totin' Chip cards were passed out to those scouts who earned them at the Weko camp
~ OA membership cards were passed out
New to the calendar:
~ July 30- Aug 4 - National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) for OA members at Indiana University
Other announcements:
~ Bobby Hill is transitioning into the Scoutmaster position and is looking for a parent to take over his Treasurer position. If you can help out or want more information, please contact Bobby.
~ Brett Arrans is taking over the OA representative from Bobby Hill.
~ There is not a meeting this coming Monday because of Memorial Day.
Next meeting will be Monday June 4th