~ talked about the tent rental program. Any scout (young, older, girl or boy) can participate. Tents are rented by donations. The donations will be pooled and then divided up between the scouts that helped with the set up/take down. This is the only fundraising planned at this time.
~ scouts broke out into patrols to talk about a patrol camp out or what activities they may want to do now that scouting is starting to open back up.
~ there are some forms that the Council is requiring in order to start officially meeting again. Mr. Sparkman sent out an email about this on Sunday. Here is the link to a google doc that he created that has the forms. If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Sparkman, Mr. Hill or Mrs. Essig.
~ The second installment for Philmont is due no later than September 21st, 2020. The amount due is $310/person.
~ The next tent setup is this Friday at 2:00pm for Jeske's. The take down will be Sunday at 5:00pm. The tent setup sheet has been emailed.
~ The next meeting will be Monday June 29th and will be at the church by the scout shed, weather permitting. Please make sure to fill out and bring the required forms along with a chair and face mask.