~ Scouts broke out into patrols and worked on a plan to present parts of the cyber chip to the troop. Everyone within the patrol will have to be part of the presentation so if you were not at tonight's meeting, get in touch with your patrol leader to find out what your patrol will be presenting.
~ Stay at home has been lifted and the group size has increased so we are planning to meet next Monday by the shed, weather permitting. If the weather does not cooperate, I will send out a message around 4pm and the meeting will be conducted over zoom. If you don't hear from me, plan on meeting at the shed at 7:00pm.
~ Committee meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 on Zoom
~ Aug 14-16 - Summer camp at Camp Tamarack. There are limited spots available so if you are interested, please get in contact with Mrs. Burrow by the end of the week at [email protected]. The cost will be $80 (due Monday 6/8) + food (which will be determined later). This is a great opportunity to earn merit badges and work on some cooking and camping requirements.
~ the first payment for Philmont is due on Monday 6/8
~ Patrol 3 will be having a Zoom meeting tomorrow at 6:30.
~ White water rafting trip is being moved to July. Dates will be sent out soon.
Cyberchip - Resources at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_8lfebtT10Aju2zJZYlsBEcruHHLlgZk?usp=sharing