~Canoeing trip - Sept 16-17 forms will be on the website (bsatroop623.com)
~update from Jonah Essig on his Eagle Project.
~worked on advancements
~Eagle celebration for Zack Arrans on September 24th at 2pm. More information to follow.
~Court of Honor will take place on September 25th. Have all completed & signed blue cards to Mrs. Marquardt by Monday September 11th to be included in this COH.
This weekend:
~Just a reminder that the Regatta Ice Sale and Brat Fry on the Bluff are going on this weekend. The link to the sign-up sheet is below. Please help make these a success. The $ made at both will be pooled, so please fill both if we’re short and you can help. We also want adults to sign up so we know who will be available to ensure we have coverage. Thanks again!
Next meeting will be on Monday September 11th. We will be back to our normal meetings of Mondays from 7-8:30 and Class A's.
~ The September committee meeting has been moved to Tuesday Sept 12th at 7:00. Please join us and be part of planning for our wonderful scouts.
~ Don't forget to sign up for the brat fry and ice sales. The ice sales times are on a separate sheet so make sure to click on that sheet also. We need help from adults also so please consider signing up when your son is working.