Scouts worked on advancements, planned for the Thanksgiving Feast, and separated Veterans Day flags from poles for retirement.
Upcoming Events
Nov 18-20, 2022
Thanksgiving Feast Weekend at the Church! Scouts arrive Friday at 5pm to set up camp and have a cracker barrel. Cub Scouts will join us on Saturday for activities. Feast on Saturday at 6pm followed by Court of Honor and Flag Retirement Ceremony. Scouts should be done and ready for pickup by 10am Sunday.
Scouts should bring their Class A’s, partial badge worksheets, blue cards, and books (in a large zip lock bag) to work on requirements. Please check the cold weather camping packing info in your Scout book and pack accordingly. Bring a mess kit and a day bag to carry your essentials. Some activities will be outside and inside so bring layers. Keep an eye on the weather and pack accordingly.
Cold weather camping packing info from Mr. Walsh (repeat from last year)
Bring a sleeping pad to get you up off the ground. But if it is one that has air inside, also bring a blanket to put on top so it doesn't suck away your body heat. He recommended using a low temperature sleeping bag so check the rating. You want the sleeping bag rating to be 20° lower than what you expect to experience for safety. He said that a 20° bag is probably your best bet but can go lower (forecast for this weekend is in the 20’s so pack the beefiest bag and layers!). He recommends using a mummy bag but if you don't have one you can use a regular sleeping bag and maybe put an extra regular sleeping bag inside of it or add extra blankets. Wear a hat to sleep so you don't get cold. Hooded sweatshirts are nice. Bring Long John's and a long sleeve shirt to sleep in that are different from the clothing that you wear during the day. Dirty and wet clothing are not very insulating. Also bring a different thin pair of gloves to sleep in. He recommended bringing hand warmers but not using them directly on your skin. Make sure you wear a shirt between your body and the hand warmer near your chest and clean dry socks on your feet near the one at the bottom of your sleeping bag. Once you wake up, drop the hand warmers into your boots. Keep your boots inside the tent and try to keep them from freezing. Bring an extra pair of boots or shoes in case one pair does get wet and freezes. Don't let yourself get so hot that you sweat and then get yourself wet. Jeans are not a good idea. Synthetic layers are your best friend. Wool can still insulate when wet. Wear lots of layers! Bring your winter coat, snow pants, face mask/scarf/gater and gloves and make sure to pack extra socks, like 5 or 6 pairs. None made of cotton.
Dec 3, 2022
Fishing Charter! This one will be more serious about the fishing and they filet your catch for you! Work on your fishing badge with this trip. Tell Bobby Hill if interested.
Feb 10-11, 2023
Klondike Derby! Bring trophies from last year to put on your sled to defend your victory!
Mon, Nov 21, 2022 Dues info from Mr. Lorenz
2023 Dues: I am attaching an infographic that attempts to explain costs. Bottom line is $135 for scouts, ($3 increase from last year), $57 for adults. $15 additional for Scout Life Magazine. This money all goes to national and council organizations and pays primarily for curriculum & insurance. For 2023, thanks to adults and youth work on fundraising, generous community donations, and support from the church, there is no additional local fee for 623 participants on top of National and Council costs. Scholarships are available if Cost is the primary factor to involvement.
Use of Scout Accounts: Orrin has sent out a chart of names I have (probably not 100% accurate yet - if your name is missing just let me know), their 2023 dues, and a calculation of additional money owed IF they want to use their scout account to the fullest to pay dues. Quick reminder: Scout Accounts are money tagged for use by scouts, the amount based on the amount of work put into fundraising help.
Payment: I will ask for payment at the next scout meeting - Nov 14h. Dues can be paid with a check to Troop 623, cash, or credit card (additional fee) if someone desires. We will also need to know if the scouts want to pay for and receive the Scout Life Magazine, and then their dues total will be adjusted.
Any further Dues questions can be sent to me.
Thank you,