- Plan a game
- Webelos Pack 623
- Scout Master Challenge
- Klondike Derby prep
Next Week:
- No meeting (MLK Day)
- Klondike Derby forms due 1/25/16 (Download from the Home page on this site)
Merit Badge University in Elmhurst,Illinois has opened registration AS OF TODAY, 1/13/16. Interested Scouts need to register directly online* for this event. You can register by clicking here:
Registration closes on 2/15
*Scouts who wish to use their Scout Account will need to pay for registration and submit receipt to Mr. Hill for reimbursement.
They are in need of help from our parents. If your Scout is going, please consider volunteering in helping with:
Security, registration, lunch prep, lunch serving, and lunch clean-up.
Contact Ann Essig if you're interested in helping .
Mark Calendars:
2/12-2/14- Klondike Derby
2/13/16 - Kalamazoo Air Zoo- Boy Scout Aviation Merit Badge Day
2/20/16 - Merit Badge University 2016- Illinois
2/21/16 - Scout Sunday - 1st Congregational church - More information to follow
3/16/16 - Lifesaving Merit Badge
6/19-6/25 - White water rafting - Pennsylvania
7/31-8/6/16 - Summer Camp - Pioneer,Ohio