Scouts worked on advancements, ate leftovers from the feast, worked on separating flags from poles for retirement, and heard the election results. Mr. Hill addressed the BSA’s high standards for safety and how bullying is not allowed and that incidents may need to be reported to police. Bullying is a gateway to abuse that is not acceptable in Scouting. A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
William Conroy was promoted to Star
Election Results
SPL: Blake Bacon
ASPL: Patrick Conroy
Historian: Kevin Svetlev
Webmaster: Matthew Svetlev
Quartermaster: Ryder Bernard
Quartermaster: Colton Smith
Asst. Quartermaster: Johathon Allgood
Bugler: Harrison Rimes
Scribe: Colin Peek
Outdoor Ethics Guide: Levi Leitert
January 19th-20, Climb Kalamazoo
Back by very popular demand from the Scouts - Climb Kalamazoo overnight! 5 hours of climbing, option for climbing merit badge as desired. PLC has selected a date of Friday Night, January 19th. Plan on leaving the church about 7pm Friday, return 10am Saturday. $55 per scout, fill out this waver to lock in your spot and commit to paying through the Troop. Fuel and Food costs separate.
Klondike Derby Feb 9-11, 2024
More info coming soon. Make sure your cold weather gear still fits.
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.