Scouts worked on building a catapult and a rope climb structure for the Cub Scout Join Night. If you need any help with an Eagle project, please ask Mr. Hill.
Our next meeting on Sept 25 will be at 7pm at St. Joseph HIgh School’s football field! Wear comfy exercise clothes and bring a bottle of water. We will work on all levels of physical fitness and have some fun activities even if you have passed all of these requirements.
Scout Accounts
Money from parking and tent setups is in your Scout accounts. Scouts can check with Mr. Lorenz to see how much money they've made this summer. This money can be used for events, camps, dues, camping supplies and Philmont. See Mr. Lorenz for details. Annual Dues will be $160 for returning Scouts and due in October. Please see attachment for details.
Sept 21, 6:30-7:45pm: Cub Scout Join Night!
Wear your class A uniform and tell them all the fun you're having in Scouts!
Sept 22 Order of the Arrow Ordeal weekend at Gerber
Eat before you arrive at Gerber between 6-8pm (arrive as early as you can to set up your tent before Ordeal starts, soon after 8.) Packing info is at the official link below and a more detailed list is attached below:
Here's the old packing list that was used years ago, and really hasn't changed but is a bit better than what's available online now.
Order of the Arrow Event Packing List
Below will be a list of items we recommend you bring to the Ordeal. Keep in mind that these items will not be needed at all events.
Backpack for carrying your gear
Medications (Inform those working check-in of these)
Sleeping Bag
BSA Health and Medical Forms B & A
Ground Cloth
Wet Weather Gear
Scout Uniform
Basic Toiletries/towel (for showers on Saturday night)
Pocket knife
2 Water Bottles
Work Clothes Including gloves and a hat with a bill or brim (Some
work projects will involve painting, so bring old work clothes you
don’t mind getting paint on)
Drinking cup
Insect Repellant
work Gloves
Other items for the remainder of the weekend:
● Spending money for the Trading Post (OA items available to members)
● Tent (to sleep in Saturday night) and other clothing appropriate for the weather
Scout book is NOT needed but make sure you have your Totin’ Chip and Firem’n Chit with you.
Cell phones are prohibited from the beginning of the ordeal ceremony until after your ceremony Saturday night. You can bring them, but they must be turned off during your Ordeal. Signal coverage is spotty in camp, and it's best to save your battery for important calls.
Property Identification & Gear
Remember, most scouting apparel looks pretty much the same. Label all clothing and items with something so that it will get back to you if lost. Scouters generally go to extreme measures to return lost property, but only if you make it easy. If you do lose something, check the Dining Hall for lost and found. You should also mention it to your Elangomat.
After check-in you will be asked to go to your campsite and set up your tent (to sleep in
Saturday night). Your gear that you do not take with you Friday night can be left in your
tent. There will be people in the campsite while you are not, but do not leave valuables,
money, or required medicines in your gear. It would be good to bring with you a pair of
work gloves with your name written on or in each glove.
Friday Night Food/apparel/shelter
Remember, you may not bring food or candy with you Friday night. We recommend you
pack two bags, one for Friday night and another for Saturday night. Know that if
dangerous or heavy storms come through Friday night, you will be moved to a shelter.
You need to have your Friday gear light and portable and ready. You can roll your gear
tightly into your tarp and secure it all with a light rope that you can throw over your
shoulder. You need to be able to carry your Friday gear several miles in your hands or
hanging from your shoulder.
Be prepared to shield yourself from mild rain or heavy dew, overnight with a tarp. You
will most likely be placed in a camping location along a secured roadway. The ground
will not be soft, so a ground pad can help you get some sleep.
Again, your Friday pack should be minimal, light and able to be worn over your
shoulder. A small bottle of personal sized insect repellent would also be advisable. If
you have medicines you must take, make sure you have those with you in a tight zip
lock baggie. Make sure you also keep all your money with you or locked in your vehicle.
Cell phones and other electronics should be turned off and only used in case of
personal emergency situations. Please do not use radios or MP3 players during your ordeal.
-Bobby Hill
Oct 3, 5:30-7pm PLC meeting
We will meet at the Church to plan meetings and the Feast.
For Philmont 2024 attendees:
Next payment of $542.50 per attendee is due. Please get checks made to Troop 623 handed to Mr. Lorenz or Mr. Bacon this week.
Upcoming: Gear talk, Philmont training days Philmont Training Weekend, Itinerary selections, Travel options ... Dates/times/locations will be shared at Monday meetings and summary by email.
Homework: Every scout should at least read the Shakedown Guide Part 1 and Part 2 from this web site:
Several of the videos are very good too.
Sept 21st Become a Den Chief for Cub Scouts
Sept 21, be a den chief 2 nights a month to earn service hours and grow new Scouts. Must be 1st class or above if you aren’t an adult. Contact Ben Rimes for more details. Days of the week TBD.
November 17-19, Thanksgiving Feast Weekend
Please mark your calendars and plan to come out for this yummy meal and fun camping time. Scouts working on their communication badge can fulfill some of the requirements planning for and presenting at the Court of Honor at this event. Please let the SPL know that you want to be involved. Scouts will cook the turkeys all day Saturday with the feast on the evening of November 18.
Climb Kalamazoo
We need to pick a Friday in January.
Klondike Derby Feb 9-11, 2024
More info coming soon. Make sure your cold weather gear still fits.
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.