Scouts practiced building and tearing down the camp kitchens and dining flies, worked on advancements, and played a game. Patrick Conroy will fill in as SPL for the next few weeks. We have another tent setup this Friday with take down on Sunday for the Martin family. Use the link below to sign up to help.
Does anyone have a golf cart we can use for the Triathlon? Please let me know. We need 2-3 more adults for all time slots for the Triathlon this weekend! A few of our regulars are gone this week. Please keep the Sparkman family in your prayers for the passing of Kurt’s father on the 17th: Gregory Sparkman. Also, please pray for Mr. Langlois who is having surgery today. We hope their healing processes are surrounded with love, comfort, and care.
The following families are in RED and need to complete their information for Summer Camp: Bacon, Carter, Conroy, Smith, and Vargus. Use the QR code you signed up with and enter the missing information. If you have questions, please reply to this or come to next week’s meeting for assistance.
Each Scout should bring $1-2 to our next meeting. The money will be pooled for popsicles for the next few warm meetings. :-)
Tent Set Up Season is here! 1 this Friday/Sunday!
The tracker for tent setups is available at the link below. It’s one of the main fundraisers for the troop for the year. It can be very lucrative for the kids. Please check the sheet often for updates and more opportunities. Please text Mr. Dansfield at 269-325-1733 for questions and updates. Times and dates may change for weather and scheduling conflicts.
This weekend!!! Triathlon Parking Sign up! We need a few more adults and a golf cart!
Below is the link to the Steelhead Triathlon parking signup. This is our biggest fundraiser for the year. We will need as many of the spots filled as we can get to ensure we are successful. Sunday morning is the most vital to be fully staffed with Scouts and adults. We will fill the lot starting around 4:30 and be largely full by 7am. We’ll bring in lunch and snacks for those helping out. And we give credit to the adults that work, just like we do to the kids. They can use it for their registration and camp. If you have any questions, please reach out to Bobby Hill or Mr. Dansfield for more information.
Volunteer for Bake Sale set up & take down: Witcomb July 9th, 8-9am & 4-5pm
Volunteers will get free bake sale tickets for helping set up tables and chairs. Contact Amanda Hirsh for details and to sign up.
PLC Meeting July 11 5:30pm.
All PLC please try to attend. We should be done around 6:30 or 7pm.
Mackinac coming soon! Got 2 full uniforms? Take online quiz!
Each participant needs 2 full uniforms for Mackinac so please check what patches you have and need a duplicate of and send Mr. Walsh an email of what you need. If your position changed during the last election, please ask for the new ones and get them sewn on. Please add a parent to all emails/texts when communicating with adults for the 2 deep leadership protocol. Each Scout is responsible for their ride to Mackinac and back, a sign up spreadsheet will be shared soon to help people find rides. Keep practicing and studying! The online quiz will see which patrol gets the most responses.
Summer Camp at Camp Rotary: Week of July 23-29, 2023, you can do your Order of the Arrow ordeal there! Is your account red? Fill in more info!
Get your prerequisites done! If you recently were elected to the Order of the Arrow, you can do your ordeal during summer camp! Email Mr. Hill at if interested in completing your ordeal at Rotary. You will need to inform all badge counselors that you will be missing a day for your ordeal so they can help you keep up with the requirements. We are checking on a packing list for your ordeal. Please stay tuned.
If you have gone online to register and select badges, make sure you have everything filled in! The following families are in RED and need to complete their information for Summer Camp: Bacon, Carter, Conroy, Smith, and Vargus. Use the QR code you signed up with and enter the missing information. If you have questions, please reply to this or come to next week’s meeting for assistance. It could just be a missing emergency contact or your home address. Corrections should only take a few minutes.
Original camp sign up info.
Fill out the “SummerCamp23” form and bring it with payment if you haven’t already! We want to get our deposits and badge selections in ASAP, since the selection window is open and some badges are already full. See other attached files for badge options and the sheet to list your selections. If you already paid, check the guardian’s email for a message from Mr. Hill or Mr. Lorenz with your link to update Scout info. After clicking on update info, scroll down and you can start selecting sessions (easier to do from a computer). Each Scout has a different link so be sure you are using the matching link for the right Scout and that auto correct/fill doesn’t put in a parent’s name where the Scout’s should be (totally not speaking from experience, oops, but easily fixable.) Just be careful not to unselect your wanted session by mistake and losing your slot. You can click “Done” any time and come back and fix anything needed later.
Please see attached links and files for more camp info.
For adults attending summer camp, please fill out the Michigan Central Registry Clearance form and submit it. See link below.
Philmont Preparation
For the Scouts and parents going to Philmont in 2024, please don’t spend all summer on a computer or phone! Be physically active and get your body strong over the summer. Practice hikes for Philmont will start in the fall.
Become a Den Chief for Cub Scouts!
Late Sept/Oct be a den chief 2 nights a month to earn service hours and grow new Scouts. Must be 1st class or above if you aren’t an adult. Contact Ben Rimes for more details. Days of the week TBD.
Flag tips
The flag should go up fast! The flag should come down slowly and hit the hands at the last note of the bugler. Please keep practicing fast, careful folding.
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.