Scouts worked on advancements and played a game. New patrols’ lists are attached.
Colton Smith was promoted to Tenderfoot then 2nd Class
Upcoming Events
Dec 3, 2022
Fishing Charter! This one will be more serious about the fishing and they filet your catch for you! Work on your fishing badge with this trip. Tell Bobby Hill if interested.
Dec 6, 2022
PLC meeting 5:30pm at the Church
Dec 12, 2022
Dodge Ball at the St. Joseph High School Gym
Jan 5-6, 2023
Let Silas know if you are interested in joining this climbing overnight in Kalamazoo. Cost will be around $60ish per scout. Adults up are free up until the noted ratio, then $55. Please see the link below for details.
Feb 10-11, 2023
Klondike Derby! Bring trophies from last year to put on your sled to defend your victory!
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.