- Patrol Activities
- Merit Badge and Advancement work
- Final night for rank advancement/merit badge submission before Court of Honor
- Discussed Shedd Aquarium trip (see below)
- Permission slip due for Shedd trip (see below for more info)
- Need to know head count for Barbott's Corn Maze outing (no permission slip required)
- Skill Build
- Uniform/Spirit challenge continues
- Prepare for Court of Honor
10/18 Corn Maze - 2:30-7:00 pm
10/19 Court of Honor
10/24 Shedd Aquarium Chicago
10/26 Troop Election Night
11/7 Merit Badges Hope College (see below for individual registration information)
- Shedd Aquarium trip - the troop will be taking the train from Michigan City to Chicago to spend the day at the Shedd. Scouts must turn in permission slip next Monday, October 12 to participate. Lunch and Dinner are NOT provided, so each scout is responsible for bringing food or money to pay for food. Scouts were given permission slips at meeting last night. Please visit our website to print a permission slip or for more information about this trip - bsatroop623.com
- Hope College is offering the Environmental Science and Electricity merit badges on November 7. Please visit scoutingevent.com/?wooshnova to register and for more information about this event.