-- Thank you notes
-- New patrols
-- New positions - elections next meeting
-- Rank advancements
-- Popcorn
-- Corn Maze - this Sunday 10/16/16 - please RSVP if you will be attending and if you need a ride. Cost is $7 per person and food is provided. See attached flyer for more information.
-- Drones - 10/31/16 - contact Mr. Sparkman for more information.
--Yankee Springs - 10/28-10/30/16 this will be for those boys going to Philmont
-- Air Zoo 12/10-12/11/16
-- November campout- Talk to Mrs. Burrow.
No troop meeting 10/31/16
Please note-
Mr Dansfield needs help setting up a tent(s) on Saturday. He is offering it to Philmont boys to earn a little money. Meet at Coloma McDonalds at 8:00.
We are asking for everyone to look through their paperwork to see if they have the attendance sheets for August and September. They were lost at one of the September meetings and have not be returned to the Advancement Chair. If you find them, please turn them in; your help is much appreciated.
There are a couple of special awards that some boys have earned and those will be awarded at a later date (BSA Kayaking award and the NOA Camping award)
Next week's meeting: 10/17/16