~ Recap from Philmont, Tamarack and Mackinac adventures
~ Aug 11-13 Steelhead Triathlon fundraiser - biggest fundraiser for the troop - if you are planning on helping, please fill out the attached waiver and bring to next Monday's meeting. You will receive a volunteer Tshirt so please write your size on the top. We will also send out a document later this week to fill in the time you would like to volunteer. Mrs. Essig is coordinating this event.
~ Lest We Forget - Aug 5th weekend. Need volunteers to help. Mr. Sparkman will be coordinating this event.
~ Jonah Essig Eagle Project will be on Aug 6th from 8-4 at the corner of Pearl & Main in Benton Harbor. Information will be sent out closer to the date.
~Troop 623 Solar Eclipse Viewing Party and BSA 2017 Solar Eclipse Patch - we are having a meeting at noon on the beach to view the solar eclipse. Mrs. Maynard is coordinating this event and more information will be sent out in a separate email.
Next week:
~ Next week is the last meeting in July.
~There will be a Boundary Waters informational meeting right after next Monday's meeting (7/24). Parents should attend this meeting. A scout interested in going needs to be over 13 yrs old and at least 1st class by the time of the trip.
~ 7/22/17 Leo Guadagni's Eagle celebration at 10:30am at the Elk's in Benton Harbor. Please plan on attending and help celebrate this wonderful accomplishment.
~ 7/30-8/5/17 Camp Frontier
~ 8/21/17 Troop 623 Solar Eclipse Viewing Party