Scouts worked on advancements, played a game and unpacked the trailer from Weko. As the weather gets better, wear appropriate clothes and bring your lawn chairs because we meet outside by the shed when it doesn’t rain.
Thank you to Mrs. Essig and Mr. Smith for cooking for the Weko Campout! The Scouts loved the food!
Please gently shake out dirt, dry and then return all tents and tarps used at the Weko campout. We are missing two Marmot tents, so if you have one of the orange tents from before Weko, please bring it to the next meeting.
Luke Leitert was promoted to Tenderfoot
Cydney Bacon’s Eagle Project: Ferry Street Resource Center Donations
Please help the community by donating resources by April 28th, 2024 or next week's meeting!
Requested Donation Items:
Body Wash
Feminine Hygiene Products
Baby Wipes
Laundry Detergent
Please bring items to Cydney at our next meeting or drop them in the boxes in Park Place and the Youth Room. Thank you for your donations!
Cook for Concerts: Sign up ASAP!!!
The church is planning on concerts for the following dates and wondered if Scouts would be interested in selling hot dogs and brats at any of the concerts. All concerts are on Friday night at 7 p.m. If we don't have enough Scouts and Parents signed up the Church will hire food trucks! This is a great fundraiser that can help fill your Scout account! Please sign up by Friday, April 26th!
May 31
June 28
July 26 (Summer Camp at Cole)
Aug 2 (probable Band Camp conflict)
Sept 6
Please sign up using the links in the Scoutmaster's Minute so we know if we can do this.
May 11th, Blossomtime Parade: About 2 Weeks to go!
Please reply to this email if you are marching with the Scouts! Scouts should assemble at 11 AM at the Krasl Art Center, 707 Lake Blvd, St. Joseph in Class A uniform. A water bottle is encouraged. We do not know our specific spot in the parade yet, but pickup will be at the park opposite The Livery - 5th Street & Park Street, Benton Harbor, typically around 3:30 PM.
There are typically many conflicts with Band and other float participants, so we want to encourage as many Scouts as possible to attend, so that we have a good showing for BSA. Please ask the Scouts to sign up via this form so that we have a good head count by March 14. Contact Mr. Dansfield or Greg Trezise at [email protected] with any questions.
May 17-19, Volunteer for the Ladies’ Auxiliary Ice Cream Social
Volunteer to set up and tear down. More details to come.
Check for email from Mr. Lorenz! Patrols have been assigned and info should be coming this week! Mandatory Practice May 1st.
May Patrol Events
Each patrol needs to have a patrol activity in May. Please send your ideas to your patrol leader to discuss at the next meeting. Once you decide on an event and get adult approval, invite the girls’ patrol and the SPL & ASPL.
May 30, 6-8pm Exploring Post Open House @ Cook
The Cook plant is Organizing an Exploring Post. This is going to be a great experience for anybody from 14-20 years old that wants to try out various career paths available at Cook. Also give those who participate a chance to network at Cook and have a leg up on getting hired at Cook. The Open House is May 30th from 6-8. Sign-ups using the QR code in the attached flyer. I want to give Troop 623 a chance to check out this very different branch of scouting!
Summer Camp, July 21-27- Sign up now!
We are going to Cole Canoe Base! Our Summer Camp week is July 21-27 and the cost per Scout is $385. There is a discount for siblings. Please email Mrs. Essig if you want to go to camp. Bring your payment to the next meeting and she will send you a link to update your Scout’s info so you can choose merit badge classes and water adventures. Merit Badge/Activity selection is open! Below is the link to all Health forms. Fill out the one for over 72 hours. Always keep your originals and give copies.
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.