-Ohio Summer camp discussion
-Hiking trip reflections
-Service project opportunities:
Mr. Dansfield needs help with large canopy set up on these 3 dates. Please call him directly if you are available to help and looking for service hours.
Someone accidentally picked up my (Dominic Giandiletti) Grand Hotel Pen from Mackinaw Island. I would like it returned. It was the pen I got while at Mackinaw Island as a Governor Honor Guard. It means a great deal to me.
Dear Troop 623,
I will be continuing my Eagle Scout Project this week on Wednesday 27 (4-8 pm) and Thursday 28 (4-7 pm). We will be painting the Stewart Elementary School playground. If you think you might be able to attend, please let me know so that I can provide you with more information.
Thanks for your help,
Remi Beaufils.
If you happen to have some scout items that your son no longer can use just lying around the house, please relieve yourself of the extra clutter and bring the sundry of items in a bag and give to me, Tina Guild, at our Monday night scout meetings. This gives us a chance to help one another with scout needs, such as shirts, pants, shorts, belts, just to name a few things at a much lower price than you can purchase at the scout store. We are putting the funds BACK into the troop. A WIN! WIN! for us all.
Please direct all questions to Tina Guild.
Happy Scouting,
Please note:
There will not be meetings on the following dates:
Next meeting- 8/15/16
Mark Calendars:
Summer Camp
Pioneer Ohio
8/13 & 8/14
Ironman triathalon
Call Mr. Dansfield if you are available and looking to earn money for your Scout account. If interested, please respond by Monday, 7/25/16 so that Mr. Dansfield can order T-shirts.
Wilderness First Aide camp out
9/3 & 9/4
Brat Fry
Call Mr. Dansfield directly if you are available and looking to earn money for your Scout account. This year we will also be selling ice.