~ talked about the Klondike campout
~ talked about if you have a position in the troop, there is a Troop leaders meeting every Monday at 6:30 before the regular meeting that you need to attend so plans can be made for the troop.
~ worked on rank advancements
Upcoming dates to remember:.
~ February 20 - sign up for Mackinac Honor Guard - 7:00pm Parent must attend
~ February 20 - Blue and Gold/Crossover Pack 623 - SPL, ASPL & patrol leaders should plan on attending
~ February 23 - Scout Sunday - all scouts are asked to attend - arrive at 10:00am & scouts need to wear their class A's
~ March 28-29 - USS Edson Overnight trip with Troop 614
~ June 18-23 - High Adventure: White Water Rafting at Ohio Pyle, Pennsylvania
~ July 11-18 - Mackinac Island Governor's Honor Guard week
~ July 19-25 - Summer Camp at Camp Gerber
~ August 7-9 - 100th Celebration of Troop 623 and First Congregational Church Campout at the Church
~ November 20-22 - Thanksgiving Feast at Camp Frank S. Betz in Thunderbird Hall and Roman Potempa Cabin.
~ White Water rafting deposit of $100 is due at next Monday's meeting.
~ USS Edson Overnight trip has been added to the calendar. Scout will stay overnight on a Destroyer. More information will be coming home soon.