Scouts held elections, practiced knots, had a special guest speaker: Emal Nazari, a Scout who escaped from the Taliban in Afghanistan, and worked on advancements.
NO 7 pm meeting next week, Jan 20th!
Enjoy your day off! The Troop’s calendar is now available in Scoutbook.
Election Results
Please congratulate our new Troop Officers:
Senior Patrol Leader: Harrison Rimes
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: William Conroy
Quartermaster: John Allgood and Konnor Bressler
Historian: Kevin Svetlev
Webmaster: Matthew Svetlev
Bugler: Harrison Rimes with Konnor Bressler as understudy
Ian McKim was promoted to First Class
Jan 16, 12 noon, work on Tenderfoot physical fitness requirements with the Girls’ Troop!
Scouts will meet Mrs. Essig at the Main Office in the St. Joseph High School, then go over to the track in the gym. Bring running shoes and a bottle of water.
Jan 16 Pinewood Derby Build Night 6:30-8pm at the Church
Come help young Scouts make their cars.
January 18th, 2-4pm! Blake and Cydney Bacon’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor at The Chapel
Come celebrate Cydney and Blake Bacon finishing their Eagles! They need a few volunteers to help with the ceremony. Helping with a ceremony helps younger Scouts complete their own requirements for earning their Eagles. Email Blake if you can help.
Climb Kalamazoo, Jan 19-20
14 youth and 3 adults are ready to go! Late sign-ups are possible with an extra fee - please contact Mr. Lopez if interested, or with any questions.
We will be meeting at the church at 7pm and carpooling from there. We have enough drivers, so only plan to drive if you really want to - we'll sort it out in the parking lot. Bring snacks, drink, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, and payment. The waiver you have signed for Climb Kalamazoo Gym was your permission slip.
Mackinac Call Out Nights
The scouts will do a short info session Monday the 27th on 'what is Mackinac Service Camp and why you might want to go'. This will be out 64th year! The program Motto is: 'Providing Service, creating leaders' and scouts from all across Michigan get the opportunity to have a blast doing just that.
Formal call-out night options - where you learn more and get/submit applications to go are:
Jan 28th - FCC Church 7pm
Feb 3rd - Portage Chapel Hill Church 7PM
Feb 6th - FCC Church 7pm
Zach Arrans’ Quartermaster and Summit Award Court of Honor, and Wood Badge Beading Ceremony, Feb 1st, 2-5pm
Join us to help celebrate Zach’s monumental achievements in the Scouting America Programs! Ceremony will be at the Fraternal Order of Police, 3470 Angling Rd, Coloma, MI 49038.
RSVP by January 25.
Klondike Derby, Feb 7-9th, 2025
We need some adults to volunteer to camp and work with the Scouts at the Klondike. Let Bobby Hill know if you are interested. Find your warm clothes and sleeping gear! Flyer with info will be at our next meeting on Jan 27.
Scout Sunday February 23rd 9:00 a.m.
Wear your class A and help out with the service at 10:30. We will host the congregation after the service. Ask Mr. Dansfield for details. We need Scouts to greet, usher, light candles, possibly run sound and video, etc.
Help clean the Scout Shed
John Allgood is leading the cleanout of the Scout Shed. Here is his sign up sheet. He needs several scouts and 2 adults for each time slot. If these dates and times don’t work for you but you want to help, put your name in the undecided column. The Saturday time was cancelled to not interfere with the Bacon’s Ceremony.
Check your membership status!
Returning Scouts, check parent’s email for email from [email protected] saying your BSA membership is up for renewal. Order of the Arrow dues are also due now.
We are missing 2 Marmot tents.
Please check around your home for these and bring them back ASAP. They are orange in a gray tent sack. We can’t use the rest until the missing 2 are returned!
Summer Camp July 27 - Aug 2nd at Camp Rotary
Think about what badges you want to earn. More info coming soon.
Pack Activities we can help
Jan 16 Pinewood Derby Build Night 6:30-8pm
Jan 25th Pinewood Derby 10am - 11:30ish
Feb 20th Blue and Gold
Merit Badge Counselors
Come to the meeting and we will fill out the form with you! Help keep the Troop going!
The troop is in need of merit badge counselors.
The need is most urgent for the Eagle required badges….
(a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communication, (f) Cooking, (g) Personal Fitness, (h) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (i) Environmental Science OR Sustainability, (j) Personal Management, (k) Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (l) Camping, and (m) Family Life.
If you are interested in becoming a merit badge counselor look at the options on the list at this link. Talk to Mr. Sparkman or Mr. Langlois to get the forms to sign up.