~ Zack Arrans reported on his experience at the NOAC retreat.
~ Philip Marquardt reported on summer camp. The boys won the Baden Powell award and Camp-wide Games award. Great job boys! The Leaders would like to thank Dave Wooley who came as a parent and stayed for most of the week, Beth Christy for transporting to camp and Shawn & Tricia Mathis who not only drove boys to and from camp, but they also came on Wednesday for Parent's night. Thanks again to everyone!
~ Mr. Hill talked about possibly having access to some land through the Coloma Rod and Gun Club. They are turning some land into a camp for local scouts to use.
~ Triathlon fundraiser is this weekend. Please follow the link below for the volunteer signup sheet. Please only sign up for one day to start to make sure everyone has a chance to volunteer.
This is one of the biggest fundraisers for the scouts and those that volunteer will earn money for their scout account which can be used to pay for summer camps and yearly registration.
~ Committee meeting tomorrow night at 7:00.
Next scout meeting is Monday August 13th at 7:00. See you then!