~ talked about maybe being able to help fish with veterans
~ talked about the rental tents and what they mean for the troop. Mr. Dansfield needs help setting up tents tomorrow at Warner Camp near South Haven. He wants to start at 4:00. Please call him so he knows how many to expect.
~ OA members - your help is needed this Saturday to perform an Eagle ceremony in Mattawan. If you can help please email Mr. Hill
~ If scouts want to start a merit badge, they need to see Mr. Hill first so he can advise on who the counselor should be and then they can request a blue card from Mrs. Marquardt.
~ No meeting on 7/30/18
~ Aug 10-12 - Triathlon fundraiser (more info to follow at a later date)
Summer Camp:
Camp Pioneer attendees - please make sure to attend Monday's meeting as camp plans will be finalized. Health forms (Part A, B & C) are due Monday. If they are not turned in, you won't be able to go to camp. Some boys will have additional fees for their merit badges. See the attached list for those who will owe the fees. If you signed up for Golf, you will have to bring your own clubs.