~ worked on rank advancements
~ continued planning Thanksgiving Fest
~ 11/10/18 Leaf raking at the church at 9:00 am. This is our thank you to the church for all they do for us so please plan to attend. The more scouts we have the easier the raking is.
~ 11/11/18 Dues are due for the 2018/2019 year Scouts $89 Adults $34 (form is attached)
~ 11/11/18 Thanksgiving feast permission slips are due (form is attached)
~ 11/13/18 Committee meeting at 7:00 - all parents are welcome to attend
~ 11/16-11/18 Thanksgiving feast camp out at Tower Hill
~ 11/17/18 Thanksgiving feast dinner and Court of Honor - come celebrate our boys accomplishments from the summer and fall. (I haven't figured the number yet, but I have a feeling I will be purchasing alot of merit badges this Saturday for the COH.)
~ Will Christy is in need of any pictures you might have from different scouting events you have attended so he can put together a poster for our troops history. You will be able to submit your pictures through a google doc link. Once I receive that link, I will send out a message to everyone.
~ I have attached the scout accounts as of 11/5/18 so the boys will know how much is in their accounts.
~ Scouts need to wear their class A's to the meetings unless they are informed otherwise. If you are in need of a class A shirt, please see Mr. Hill.