~ Talked about Crop Walk. Carly Hubers invited scouts to walk in the crop walk with the youth team. It will be the one-mile loop and there is no fundraising involved because they have already met their fundraising goal. If they have a team of at least 3 youths, then there is an anonymous donor who will contribute an additional $150! If your scout would like to be part of the team, please email Carly. Scouts should have brought a flyer home.
~ New troop number patches are in. Every registered person will receive 1 patch. Any additional patches are only $6.00. Please see Mrs. Marquardt for your patch. Mr. Hill would like everyone going to Mackinac to have at least one of their shirts with the new numbers.
~ Went outside for an activity
~ 5/19/19 – Mackinac Honor Guard practice – Practice starts at 5:00pm at the Whirlpool parking lot. Please arrive at 4:45pm dressed in your Mackinac Honor Guard Class A's
~ 5/19/19 – Crop Walk setup & take down – meet at the Church at 12:00 to help set up tables, etc. Take down will be around 3:30. Scouts will earn service hours if they help. I believe I also heard that they will get service hours if they walk the 1-mile loop. 😊
~ 6/1, 6/15, 6/22 – Summer tent rental set up help need the day before each of these dates. Please contact Mr. Dansfield if you can help.
~ 6/15/19 – 11:00am Flag retirement ceremony at the Elks club. Scouts will earn service hours for this event.
~ 6/15/19 – 5:00pm Eagle Court of Honor at First Congregational Church for Jonah & Dominic. If you have never been to a ceremony, you won’t want to miss this one!
~ 6/16-6/22 – Canoe trip
~ 6/28-6/30 - Steelhead triathlon parking fundraiser
~ 7/14-7/20 – Summer Camp – Sarah could still use some adult helpers. If you are available, even for a couple days, please let Sarah know.
~ 9/14/19 – Merit Badge day at Rota-Kiwan
Other important information:
~ Mackinac Honor Guard participates, watch for an email from Mrs. Giandletti that will need a response. She is collecting info on rides to/from and if you are taking a bike. Please respond no later than Saturday so she can give the information to the leaders at practice on Sunday.
~ Eagle project help needed. Gamal will be working on his project and can use some help. (another opportunity to earn service hours!) Please see the attached flyer for all the details.